Our History
The General Federation of Women’s Clubs of Kansas is the State affiliate of an international women’s organization dedicated to community improvement by enhancing the lives of others through volunteer service.
In 1890 Kansas became a charter member of the national General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) adopting the motto:
“And what they dare to dream of . . . dare to do.”
Kansas club women represent the full spectrum of lifestyles of women today: married, single, with or without children, homemakers, women in the marketplace, professional women, career women - all interested in self improvement as well as community improvement.
There are clubs for all ages and interests. The exchange of knowledge is via The Kansas Clubwoman magazine that every member receives.
The accomplishments of GFWC of Kansas are part of the history of the many communities of this state and the nation. As members of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs International, the largest organization of volunteer women in the world, Kansas club members have the advantage of suggested projects with support materials, sponsors, leadership development opportunities and experienced direction. “U N I T E D together, we can make a difference.”
GFWC Clubs of Kansas
GFWC Ad Astra Club President Joanie Doperalski
GFWC Alma Ladies Reading Circle President Diane Barrett
GFWC Amitie Club of Sedgwick President Marilyn Hatch
GFWC Brewster Beta President Colleen Rall
GFWC Delphos Woman's Club President Verna Davidson
GFWC Flint Hills Women's Club President Ruth Linville
GFWC Gardner Athena Club President Kathy Baker
GFWC Gradatim President Kelle Goodman
GFWC Hutchinson Questers President Andrea Henne
GFWC Junction City Ladies Reading Club President Ellen Westerhaus
GFWC of Kansas Rainbow Club President Kate Field
GFWC Lawrence Classics Club President Brenda Rezac
GFWC Liberal Women's Club President Stacy Cope
GFWC Maple Hill Research Club President Linda Raine
.GFWC Mulvane Federated Women's Club President Cindy LaRue
GFWC Progressive Study of Hiawatha Club President Janice R. Elliott
GFWC Shakespeare Club Waterville President Sharon Teagarden-King
GFWC Sunflower Sisters Club President Tammy Eilert
GFWC Wamego Study Club President Barbara Lippman
GFWC Washington Modern Pioneers President Peg Chapin
GFWC of Kansas Executive Committee
2024 - 2026
Sabra Clarke
President- Elect
Joanna Treas
Vice President
Linda Loyd
Margaret Ohmes
Linda Krebs
Parliamentary Advisor
Kathy Baker