Who We Are
together local women's clubs in a We Are
The General Federation of Women's Clubs (GFWC) is a nonprofit organization that brings together local women's clubs in a collective effort to strengthen communities and enhance the lives of others through volunteer service.
With more than 60,000 members in affiliated clubs in every state, the District of Columbia, and more than 20 countries, GFWC members are community leaders who work locally to create global change by advocating for women, children, and families on issues such as domestic violence and sexual assault, food insecurity/hunger, and promoting healthy lifestyles. GFWC also supports the arts, works to preserve natural resources, advances education, encourages civic involvement, and works toward world peace and understanding.
The General Federation of Women's Clubs (GFWC), one of the oldest women's volunteer
organizations, seeks to build global communities where people unite in diversity and dedicate their
service to changing lives. GFWC celebrates the engagement of people of all backgrounds and
believes in fostering an inclusive, equitable climate, and culture where community members can
thrive. (Adopted on June 9, 2023)

Get Involved
Contact us to learn more about GFWC and how you can help strengthen our communities.